Monday, March 22, 2010


Back in Shiva-city, a roaring rampage of heat;
Evening, Balu's tea shop and wonderful love story of Shyam, the pocket-size boy
He told me of his 9-year long relationship, his undying love for Madhumita (tattooed on his arm), how he used to go every evening to see her at her balcony (the signal of two coughs to make her know he is downstairs), how he would end his life if she didn't marry him, how she used to call him everyday at 7am, 2pm, 7pm and 10pm to check if he has eaten anything, how she used to throw notes to the ground, he told me about all their loveletters (thousands of them), about the concept of "true love waits" and his own idea of "if the crow bites your finger, will you look at your finger or the crow", simple philosophies that have guided him so far and kept him in everlasting love, about how she refers to him as her child, how he stopped drinking, smoking and all such things after he met her, so many other inspiring stories of their love. He spoke, I just listened to everything he said. He told me his story in total sincerity, I listened in total awe. So much to learn, so much to learn...