Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Possible Preface to "A Hopeless Man" by Nic Holas

Any2 for ribbed Shackle Toe?

Through the realms of Sardine Village;
From the burden of yesterday's meat defeat
comes "Swift AL" and his pointless and scattered collection of weapons, soft socks, branded folds, pre-smile jokes and not forgeTTing his / her partner in crime "BolloX McBollox" a deeply clean, clean shaven, beard of a twat.... See More

Together they work alone sorting through enormous, yet reportedly too expensiV to see "lost dead knee helicopters" with zero intent.

buTT it is that thYme of year when 89th Ventricle Street becomes the newest monster of aLL, so no wonder AmbiDextor IV is hanging about pining for his gorgeous wife with her 5.89 million nipples.

Yes, after careful farting with smelly bell shaped after meal grins, these wankers are best served with metal shaped poo from Mickey House.
