Kundalini is a powerful energy that is within each one of us and some believe is the foundation of life itself, the Divine Mother Goddess, the life force of the universe that is present in all things. The ancient Yogis of India created Yoga to awaken Her power and devoted there entire lives to the cultivation and understanding of Kundalini. It has also been a part of many other ancient cultures and religions throughout history. Until recently only the privileged and spiritually adept had the knowledge of how to awaken the Kundalini or knew of the secrets of its power. But as we progress in this age of awakening, awareness and knowledge of this evolutionary energy is beginning to emerge and people all over the world are experiencing Kundalini Awakening. It is known by a variety of names in many different cultures but the Sages of India called it The Kundalini. In Sanskrit this literally means 'the curl of the hair' or 'coiled', it is usually envisaged as a sleeping serpent coiled and ready to be awakened and is sometimes referred to as 'Serpent Power'. It is also related to the Mother Goddess, Mother Nature or the Sacred Femine.
Once Kundalini is awakened an evolution of the mind, body and spirit occurs. Leading to a higher state of consciousness and spiritual awareness. With the emergence in the West of practices such as Reiki, Meditation and Yoga over the last century many more people have awakened this dormant power that is kept hidden within. When Kundalini rises it is essentially connecting the male and female energies and connecting the individual with the Divine consciousness although there are conflicting views on the process of awakening and it's purpose so it is important to understand that there are still many unanswered questions. It is a very individual and subjective experience dependant on one's karma and life experience.
Kundalini is located at the base of the spine between the Root and Sacral Chakras and lays dormant in most people, it is usually developed and awakened through spiritual practice but can awaken spontaneously in some people. Some say it is the life force energy that resides in all things, also know as prana or chi, others that it is the all powerful evolutionary energy that is hidden from us and must be cultivated to be awakened.