Did Yu hear about the man who was born with a shoe for a mind?
Well, for a while his best friend, Arnold "the", thought it 0.9% hilarious to pile on loads of weight to his 2 foots. No one will EVER know how this took place, but after 10.46 years in social solitude his 2 foots got so large (or extra big) that they becam...e "mind". He combined both 2 foots into one convenient mind and within this mind he placed his shoe. It became his mind.
The Vision Controller:
Mind then took a walk (with his mindless feet) to the otherside of the galaxy. He was so disappointed when all he could see were clones of himself, but badly reproduced, made in taiwan clones selling for six quid. Alas, he thought to himself, and retreated into the unbecoming glaziers in south of france. He was 4.6% less happier than he was initially...