The story of a man, K, and his teenage daughter, M, beginning an expedition of India on a couple of bicycles. Inspired by the themes of Zen & the art of motorcycle maintenance and Motorcycle diaries, the film would follow the journey of father and daughter through the hinterlands of India. Breaking away from the city life, they begin the epic one year long journey to learn about life, family, oneness and love in the heart of India. The map is one that K is familiar with and has undertaken many many years ago. So, this time around he goes in search of his old friends in the villages to introduce his daughter to them and also give her a taste of the real India.
India could really do with a film like this. It has mass appeal, could easily be a box-office success, and would, most importantly, be a vehicle or even an inspiration for people to break away from the monotony of their 9-5 lives and explore what this wonderful country has to offer. Coinciding with the release of the film, a website containing the detailed map could be launched. The film could also spur on a concept for an ongoing TV-series where every fortnight, father and daughter go exploring another little hidden gem, another diorama.