Monday, June 28, 2010

Moti, Kathy & Lamo: Friends from Zenpark

What a wonderful day. Moments captured out of time in the realm of that superhuman Kundalini power. Five senses, five elements, plugged in, uncoiled - open environment. I watched "The Bear" with a little 6-year old boy called Lamo. His father is Iranian and his mother is half-Polish/half-German. Shiva-power all the way, what a jam. Friends straightaway like some karmic connection mercurial wheel. Later I met Lamo's father and mother. What a family. Part of the absolute, just being part of that pure consciousness, that earth, that timeless personal denouement juxtaposed with the sky, the earth, the stars and the sea. Free spirits part of no cliche, part of no society, just wanderers tasting the earth, feeling the air, living in Gokharna sometimes, sometimes in Hrishikesh, sometimes in Vashisht. Anywhere is home as long as nature is in control. Lamo is taught by his parents, a real living experience. A wonderful fresh look at the way 24 hours is spent. Then we ate at the local Himachali wedding some wonderful dal, rajma, rice and khadi. Over dinner learnt that Lamo is vegan, nature boy, offspring of his matrabhoomi, of his uber-conscious parents, his internal spirit riding the crest of the waves of what them wannabe city-kids call cool.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Birth of QuroBear™

...and another chapter begins. Dara Okat in and as the curious QuroBear™ from Hinterland.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The sun, the sea, the sky, the clouds

Its the closedness that causes that spot of plastic in the sun, that military headway before the meadow, that acquisition-driven set of ideals, that connectedness with the external. The bardo will come and get you and sweep you from the concrete floor into the grass, barefoot, silken like the shine of the web in the summer sun...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kheer Ganga & the presence of God

I stepped into the spring, looked up at the moon and smiled. I am in the hands of God, in the womb of life. Kheer Ganga, je taime.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Day of strange serendipitous events (Pt. 3): "Why?"

What a day? Serendipity on Mt. Hinterland with the introduction and felicitation of the young Nitin Gopi, film-fanatic, English-humour friendly, young 21-year old version of my good friend JP. Serendipity # 1, so Shanks him and me are sitting in my room, Sai Baba working the chillum to perfection and Shanks says he plays with Hypnotribe and Nitin says he has been to one of their gigs and Shanks says he was the flutist, violinist and Nitin goes, "Fuck" and remembers how he loved Shanks the most in the band. A cauldron of kinpa. Suddenly the images meet, the trajectories connect and the heart loses a beat. Later over dinner, he asks what movies I have done and I mention Kunigunda and suddenly Serendipity #2 kicks in. He says he has seen it and describes the scenes in the film. Of how Mark walks towards the camera in jump-cuts, and suddenly he remembered the point of contact from KP's facebook page and from there mine and from mine and introduction to me through pixels and for him also an introduction to Kiarostami from my favourite films section... woah, I couldn't believe it. Shocking even more for him, young boy out in the Himalayas looking for the point of least resistance and voila, torrential proverbial rain pouring. Two more minor offshoots from the evening, one when I said I didnt like Kill Bill and Shanks and Nitin go "Why?" in unison and in similar high-pitched frequencies, and two those four Sony batteries looking up at Shanks from the same angle, those close-call frequencies disrupting the monotony of forward thinkers. A time for silence and concentration. Listen and watch closely, there are many intervals God uses to come into contact with humanity and their ridiculous ways. Sensational, really...but I wonder. Why?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Day of strange serendipitous events (Pt. 2)

A very strange day. Strange in a good way. I decided to head out to Naggar. Home. Took Sumatra out after a few spins with a peculiar black herb extract. Connected, ethereally, root chakra full power. What a ride. Then I decided to take the pedestrian path to my house in the hills. Took the wrong one, got completely lost in the wilderness, forest everywhere, tall tall trees, that wonderful smell. I wasn't scared, I have heard the bears sometime come down to the valley. Maybe I should get the XY costume out and in working condition, full nature, herbal power. While I was wandering and terribly lost, panting like my heart was going to burst out, woah, and then it happened. I think Guru Vasisht sent someone to help me find my way back home. I bumped into this very bizarre american violinist, someone I met in Benaras in Feb on that first SR-visit. I didn't really connect with her so I wasn't really excited to see her, but she was there to help me find my way back home. Well, how weird? Utterly and totally like Lynchian bizarre, no? Then I sat in my veranda. To enjoy this you really got to earn it and that's what I like about it. You then realise how valuable that space is, in silent oneness with trees, above everything, looking, just looking, standing still. Not thinking. Its good to earn it. Body and soul, totally and completely in union with the motherpower. Electricity, cosmic electro-hyrdrologically brilliant...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sumatra came home. :)